Distant, but closely related...

June 5, 2015. Semenkovo Museum disputed the questions, connected with the organisation of the excursion programs in the context of Russian - American seminar, which was orginized by the U.S. Consulate in St. Petersburg. In the morning Rosie Arnold, education program manager at Conner Prairie Interactive History Park had a chance to visit the museum. The mighty wings of the windmill welcomed her at the entance to the museum.On this day the museum was preparing for the holiday "Trinity festival". The entire Orthodox world celebrate this day. And Rosie got to know about it in Open Air Museum "Vitoslavitsy".

But here she saw the museum programs for children. Especially she took interest in educational workshop, Crude colored woodcuts (cheap popular prints) and mineral paints production. Rosie Arnold reacted with animation to it and shared her impressions. " I considered that it was really original idea and I would try to use it in practice", she said.
Hour and half excursion flew by. And finally we visited V.N. Kopylov House which was restored in the "Preservation of the Russian House in the Russian North" project between Russia and the U.S. Just here business communication was continued. Museum researches and students of Vologda state University took part in the teaching seminar.
There were a lot of questions after the presentation. Undoubtedly the wide experience of Conner Prairie Interactive History Park is worthy. Semenkovo Museum did the presentation about the main directions of interactive and educational programs for the purpose of meaningful dialogue and for searching common ground. May be this meeting will be a powerful incentive to new interesting collaborations and continuation of cultural dialogue between Russia and the U.S. Who knows?