The culture always pulls together
US Consul General in St. Petersburg - Mr. Bruce Turner and his wife visited the museum "Semenkovo» on August 3, 2014. Special attention to the museum caused by the “Preservation of the Russian House in the Russian North” Project implementation. This project was at the expense of the Grant of the American Ambassadors’ Fund for Cultural Preservation and budget funds of the Vologda Region and aimed to restore the interiors of the monument of wooden architecture - V.N. Kopylov house from the village Korostelevo, Syamzha District.
A lot of work was carried out from October 2013 to August 2014. The room of a trade shop is changed. There are the stove, the wide shopboard and shelves in this trade shop. Once upon a time there was brisk trade in the village. Apparently the trade shop was a profitable business, because the Kopylovs were able to build the strong house. Mr. Bruce Turner was a witness of the scene of the haggle in the village trade shop and went into the local customs.
US Consul General took interest in the details of works under the frames of the “Preservation of the Russian House in the Russian North” Project. He examined “The calendar of the events” carefully. The thin saw cut of a log was a base for it. The tree-ring analysis was done. This Calendar of the events showed the dates and events of the history of the Russian State, American continent development by Russians and history of rural V.N. Kopylov’s family.
The guests saw around the house and paid attention to the wooden parting wall with free brush paintings. There is the double leaf door with carving, covered by oil paint in summer room (summer izba). It’s a rarity for a village. At present the researchers and restorers work at the wallpaper in the rooms. Mr. Turner was amazed at what he saw. The wallpaper was hung on old hand-written documents.
Hearty welcome came to the end with tea-drinking in the winter room of V.N. Kopylov house. Samovar with hot tea and tasty pies were to everybody's liking in spite of hot weather.
Besides the concert of The Fifth Festival of Traditional American Bluegrass Music was in the Semenkovo Museum that day.Mr. Turner noticed that relations between Russia and the USA had been difficult, but the culture had pulled together and promoted understanding. And really, people came to the concert, weren’t sparing with praise and American musicians autographed and were photographed a lot with visitors of the museum.