Semyonkovo - the Storeroom of secrets of Father Frost

At the beginning of 2010 the Museum "Semyonkovo"  held competition of children's drawing according to the fairy tale "Semyonkovo — the Storeroom of Secrets of Father Frost" .

Opening of an exhibition of children's works took place in March, 2010 in the Youth center for the address: Sovetsky Avenue, 35-a. Authors of the most interesting works are marked out by gifts from the Museum "Semyonkovo" . The best works were included as an illustrative material in the book fairy tale "Semyonkovo - the Storeroom of secrets of Father Frost! "  which presentation took place in December, 2011.

In the northern taiga woods, in strange lands, in high to a tower there lives Father Frost - the wizard notable, the master of elements powerful. Father Frost keeps order: that the winter summer in time replaced that the sun diminished force and months knew each turn … It is a lot of miracles on its Ancestral lands: both animals manual, and cloth samobranka and staff magic. Well, and main secrets: how fire, water, air and the earth to operate, are reliably hidden. Yes not somewhere, and in chests forged they also are stored in the Storeroom … In the Storeroom of Secrets of Father Frost.

About that and in the fairy tale the narration:

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Solved somehow forces dark elements to take control, all months to mix. They took in head dirt and despondency on the earth mother to send, droughts, cold weather, fierce to fill with icy colds. And from where don't undertake, birds black, birds black - birds terrible flied … They began to find out everywhere secrets, to the palace of the Frost to look. Aim to make the way, to take control of gold letters and magic diplomas...
Moroz sees: time bad, time disturbing came. It is necessary from trouble where far away, to hide spells. He then ordered to the masters four chests to make … Difficult chest … And such: that on its one command, through a spell magic, in a moment the invisible could become. "In the first chest, - Father Frost told, - start up fire burns, in the second – the crop ripens. In the third – let water murmurs, is poured, well, and in the fourth – winds blow, to one another in eager rivalry echo". Executed the master Father Frost's order. Here, chests stand are ready. To it it was worth magic saying one word and to strike winter crop with the staff as elements obedient, mild became. Right there his ox obeyed and in chests for the time being hid … Yes, apparently, Father Frost didn't calculate force of the spell … I looked, and on chests of that locks freakish grow. "Here so a miracle - marvelous, a miracle - strange! – thinks and one trouble: where to take keys such that locks intricate opened?"

Father Frost called then, called masters from all Earth of the Russian and enjoined over it to make four keys, force magic allocated that those chests unlocked and only it obeyed. Work began to boil … Bear the master keys – one another more beautiful: from gold, silver, brilliants the decorated. Everything is good and any key to chests doesn't approach. The summer replaces spring – anything it is impossible to masters … Zapechalilsya Father Frost, grew sad … Blow in the middle of summer of a wind cold, the icy cold of the river held down, months can't agree in any way, whose turn came …

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And near Vologda, the provincial city, the village was – Semenkovo. Also there lived there люд craft, the people hard-working: Kuzma smith and the brother his Demyan potter, Maryyushka – pevunye and Avdotyyushka the lace maker. Everything they were good, all around masters known. But in that summer and the trouble came to Semenkovo: the rye wasn't born, oats, повяла a green grass didn't come into ear."Eh, how many years on the earth live, and such I won't remember …", - Kuzma smith speaks. There was it at каликов the perekhozhikh to ask, find out: whether those heard that … saw to this day earlier unprecedented … befell that bad in this world … And he found out a message about Father Frost's grief and that anybody still a secret of locks exotic from chests bewitched didn't manage to solve keys, magic didn't try.
That from lips in lips in a flash all to the district flew about a message, bypassed. I grieved люд honest, I became thoughtful … Yes only Maryyushka – pevunye didn't fall into despondency. It tightened a song long, ringing, to heavens audible, such, what even the sky yawned, the sun because of clouds seemed. Girlfriends picked up her song, and at heart at all became cheerful.
"It is full to you, people kind, bitter to touch thoughts, tears, it is known, you won't help a grief", - Kuzma said. "Eh, I was – I wasn't", I will try also the hand in this case the difficult. As my father and the grandfather taught me, I will pacify fire, perhaps, and I will shape keys such that will open a secret of locks hitherto unprecedented".

3 head
Kuzma turned to work. Day works, the second replaces it, the third through the mountain swept, and the smith for a minute of eyes didn't close, a back didn't unbend. At last, by the outcome the hammer the day before yesterday calmed down, the silence set in. The smith was tired, there was in this world, and in hands his ligament, on which four keys similar at each other, precisely brothers.
Suddenly, from nowhere, I flew an easy breeze, I brought with myself a song cheerful yes the wide. The fatigue, as well as didn't happen. "Ouch and Maryyushka! That for a song the Russian!" – Kuzma thought. Suddenly looks and doesn't trust the eyes: Maryyushki's song turned back a songbird, on a key of the village and was dissolved in it. I began to shine then, I began to sound trills, the key zaperelivatsya. Here so miracle! Apparently, any business is argued with the song...
Kuzma didn't keep, ran rather to the brother, to Demyan potter to tell about the incident. And that from work can't be distracted, clay kneads, business is argued. But to it it was worth distracting only for a moment and to touch one of keys as that during an instant live was covered with a grass, with flowers of beauty unprecedented it was decorated … Brothers were surprised, exchanged glances. Here so I put! With an ulterior motive all this …
And Demyan was sharp-witted. Here with a squint also speaks to the brother: "Hear, Kuzma, my stallion was absolutely unchained. You won't ground?" And that in reply: "Why? Business simple". Without hesitation, I turned to work: sparks extensively fly, by splashes bright are scattered, the hammer so in hands and dances, precisely a tattoo beats.
"Well, the brother Demyan, take over work!""That I, - speak the potter when your skill, look, the key estimated. The spark only concerned it, it also recovered. This key with any another you won't mix, fire bright flares, and hands doesn't burn".

4 head
Long brothers with the opened mouths on that place staid, if not the song that found them … That Maryyushka – pevunye on water went. Brothers to it hastened. All told it: and about miracles hitherto unprecedented, and about keys difficult, "live". She was surprised, became thoughtful: "Means, the song washing, you speak, a bird singing turned back? . Maryyushka didn't keep, burst out laughing, didn't believe brothers: "Eh, you, jokers, decided to play me? " And Kuzma with Demyan in reply keys also showed it … Maryyushka looks, to the eyes doesn't trust. Suddenly says: "And what if with keys yes to Avdotyyushka to go? She is a skilled worker notable, the lace maker all around the first, you look, and the fourth key will recover …" Didn't begin to Argue, brothers agreed with it.
Here, and Avdotyyushki's house of the lace maker seemed. Entered it, and she there sits at work, koklyushka touches, fingers precisely got run, threads in patterns put. I weaved lacy payments of beauty unusual, I stirred up it before myself, and precisely the set of white snowflakes in a round dance began to whirl. Guests stand as captivated, and in hands four keys: the first – trills is filled in, the second – aroma of flowers smells sweet, the third – fire flares. And the fourth? ! By hoarfrost it is silvered, in sun beams snowflakes sparkles and hands a frost doesn't douse …
Business was coped. It is time and in a way road. All village left them to see off. Old men following give the last manuals to them, to mind to reason teach: in a way don't yawn, don't become despondent, and you will be on the Ancestral lands - to the Frost low from us bow …

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The road dropped out not a passing beam, distant. There are they the woods impassable, through bogs, through bogs viscous, through rains and blizzards rainy, passing a wind and a blizzard furious... Suddenly, from nowhere, flew birds black … Birds black - birds terrible over the heads turn, shout, to light white not to see at all, that and look, as though keys didn't select. But Maryyushka didn't become puzzled here, started singing the song ringing, the song ringing to heavens audible that froze birds black, birds black – birds terrible. I got then off the back the lacy of Avdotyyushk's payments and brothers - Kuzma da Demyan undertook which two ends, contrived and immured a horde winged …
Only managed to take breath, look, and ahead, sparkling paints, there is a high tower. Entered it, looked around and see: sits on a shop, bitterly sighing, Father Frost. "From where you will be, people kind where you head? ", - he asks. And Kuzma to it in reply, with bow, also speaks: "From far away. We Semenkovskiye: I am Kuzma – the smith, my brother, Demyan – the potter, Maryyushka – da Avdotyjuscic's pevunye – the lace maker. Here we heard, Father Frost, about your grief and how forces dark conceived to take control of elements, mixed winter fierce with glorious summer... And the trouble came to our places: the rye didn't ascend, wheat wasn't born. From каликов the perekhozhikh learned as if there are at you chests with locks strange, with locks exotic. They told that the secret of locks of that to anybody is still unknown. Here accept in gift from us, in all sincerity, keys, perhaps, and it will turn out magic to open locks.
"Eko miracle! - Father Frost, keys – "live" exclaimed? ! " I was delighted. I began expensive to call guests in chamber magic where chests with locks freakish were stored …

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Suddenly it struck with the staff winter crop once – from a key the bird singing right there took off, turned back three times through a keyhole, a chest in a flash and opened. And the obedient got out of it on freedom of a wind violent, young, naughty, to one Moroz...
Here I hit Moroz with a staff the second time – and the green grass blossomed on a key, shot a mature seed … The seed should have fallen only in a keyhole as also the second chest suddenly swung open. People look, between itself exchange glances and to eyes don't trust. Volume Earth is hidden in a chest: the rye, wheat ears, the green grass grows …
As hit Moroz for the third time with a staff – the spark bright took off from a key … It didn't go out, didn't fall, and precisely live fell to the crack of the lock … Shined everything at the very same time with a glow, a bright glow from fire hot that it was concealed here in a chest forged, for the time being the locked.From the fourth blow of a staff, and the last chest swung open. Who looked who was there, that saw how began to tremble a key and the cloud from snowflakes white rose up. It turned back three times through a keyhole, and opened a chest lock. And in it water murmurs, is poured, rages talkatively …

7 head
Father Frost was delighted that business was coped that there are at it keys magic now from chests where elements powerful are hidden. Here also addresses to guests: "Thanks, people kind, masters notable, helped me to cope with trouble. I will return the favor. Your treasured I will grant any desire. What remuneration you want: silver, al of gold?" And masters in reply unanimously also speak to it: "Father Frost, we not for ourselves tried, it isn't necessary to us neither silver, nor gold... We for all honest the people arrived to ask from you. You are a wizard notable, fire, water, the earth and air are obedient to you. Help us, bring to reason the nature mother, let there will be everything, as before: that the earth yielded a harvest, and month each turn knew …
"Father Frost listened to them, waved a magic staff, took in hand elements and in a flash an order to the nature brought: I pacified winds, I gave to drink, I warmed the earth mother.
People thanked him for everything, and rather at way hurried. Yes were only not in time they and a threshold to cross as keys magic grew dim, the became invalid, turned into the simple granary … Father Frost in what business realized here. I began to persuade dear visitors to remain. And they to it in reply: "You, excuse us, Father Frost, be not angry … We are people simple of the earth grown. The voice its native and calls, and attracts us back. We missed the house, the parents …". And it to them on that in reply: "Well, I see, the people you correct, the earth loving, skillful yes skillful. Also are expensive to the long weren't afraid, for themselves and for good reason the general managed to stand. Let will be from now on and forever so: I entrust you on storage chests shod with locks freakish which secret only to you and is known. And – your village I name Semenkovo: Storeroom … Storeroom of secrets of Father Frost". People kind for the honor done high were delighted, promised to serve as belief the truth and behind chests to look … Also settled upon that …

Epilog …
Whether much you never know waters since then flowed away but only about these days chests forged with locks freakish are stored in Semenkovo. Father Frost there quite often visits, to elements whispers … Masters don't forget the crafts, a magic power of keys support and others in craft train …