Ryabinin barn from village Zarechie
Ryabinin barn from village Zarechye, Nyuksenitsa district
Ryabinin barn from village Zarechye belongs to the type of the private grain barns. It’s one-storied, four-wall barn with an attic, without a zalobnik.
Slopes of this roof directed to the side facades. In the plan the sizes of this log construction by logs’ outside are 3, 7х3, 64 m Barn’s log construction to a ridge roof is 3,73 m in height, and by the side walls – 2,65 m in height.
Parygina barn was found during the expedition by the investigation of Vologda region territory in 1989. It was transferred to the museum in 2005.
The author of this project is architect S. V. Gelfer.