Nikulina barn
Nikulina barn from village Yakinskaya, Tarnoga district.
Nikulina barn is a four-wall two-storied grain barn with two zalobniks. In the plan the sizes of this log construction are 3,45x 3,45 m (in the axis), with overhangs of the zalobnik which has 0,6 m long (along the main facade) and 0,3 m long (along the back facade).
Barn’s plank roof with two sloping surfaces is laid on the solid rows of slegas. (slega is log of the roof) and has a construction “with potocks and kuritsas”(it’s construction of the roof when poles (elements), with stylized bird’s head on the end and long log with gutter (trough) – potoki. If to say literally “on the chickens and streams” word to word). Barn’s interior is intact, including the construction of the suseki (chests), stairs to the second floor and so on. The door case is very interested. Upper jamb has decorative carving.
This barn was found during the expedition by the investigation of Vologda region territory in 1982. It was transferred to the museum in 1986.
The author of this project is architect Y. P. Kalinichenko.